Unlock Your Perfect AI Video Plan

Choose your ideal subscription plan and bring your images to life with LiveImage AI today. Start creating in minutes, no matter your budget or needs—cancel anytime.


Billed yearly
  • 600 Monthly Credits
    10 min of video per month
  • 50 Bonus Monthly Credits
  • Generate up to 5 min videos
  • Unlimited AI Avatars
  • Use AI Voices
  • Export up to 1080p
  • 1-Click AI Video Generation
  • Email Support
  • Cancel Anytime
  • Watermark
  • For Personal Use Only


Billed yearly
  • 900 Monthly Credits
    15 min of video per month
  • 100 Bonus Monthly Credits
  • Generate up to 5 min videos
  • Unlimited AI Avatars
  • Use AI Voices
  • Export up to 1080p
  • 1-Click AI Video Generation
  • Email Support
  • Cancel Anytime
  • No Watermark
  • Commercial License


Billed yearly
  • 7500 Monthly Credits
    2 hours of video per month
  • 400 Bonus Monthly Credits
  • Generate up to 5 min videos
  • Unlimited AI Avatars
  • Use AI Voices
  • Export up to 1080p
  • 1-Click AI Video Generation
  • Priority Email Support
  • Cancel Anytime
  • No Watermark
  • Commercial License

Frequently Asked Questions

How are credits consumed for AI video creation?


Credits for AI video creation are consumed based on the length of the video. Generally, 90 credits are equivalent to approximately 1 minute and 30 seconds of AI video creation.

Can I try it free?


While there’s no free trial, we offer an affordable introductory plan for personal use. This budget-friendly option lets you explore LiveImage AI’s capabilities without significant upfront costs. Experience the quality and potential of our AI-created videos at a modest starting price.

What are bonus credits?


Bonus credits are extra credits awarded monthly, accumulating over time and usable after your regular credits are exhausted. Unlike plan-awarded credits, bonus credits don’t expire as long as your subscription is active.

Can I upgrade or downgrade my plan at any time?


Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time. The changes will take effect on your next billing cycle. If you upgrade mid-cycle, you’ll have immediate access to the new features and credits, prorated for the remaining time in your current cycle.

How are Live Image AI Videos created?


Our app uses advanced AI algorithms to analyze the uploaded source video and image. It maps facial features and expressions from the image onto the source video, creating a talking video where the image appears to speak and move in sync with the video’s content. The process involves aligning the image with the video’s facial movements and generating realistic animations.

What’s the difference between personal and commercial licenses?


A personal license allows you to use the AI created videos for non-commercial purposes only, such as personal projects or portfolios. A commercial license permits you to use the videos for business purposes, including marketing, advertising, and client work.

Is there a limit to how many AI avatars I can create?


No, there is no limit to the number of AI avatars you can create across all our plans. You’re free to generate as many unique avatars as you need for your projects.